KRAFT Magazine Winter 2019 Issue
(in print!)
Link to the page if you read polish
It featured my patchwork designs in editorial and asked me questions in a polemic article related to fur, its environmental impact and if vintage or upcycled fur/shearling is the way to go? (versus both Faux fur and new real one). It´s in polish, my native language.
I love this photoshoot, it is so beautiful and reflects the slow life and slow fashion aspect in such a great way I couldn´t imagine bigger honor than being featured in this particularly amazing, SMART , no greenwashing, magazine about real craftsmanship, handmade and sustainable products and slow life.
Photographer: Magdalena Andrynowska --- Models: Wiktoria Polrolniczak --- Klaudia Sajna / Raven Models --- MUA: Paulina Kurowiak --- Art direction: Julia Sidorovich/ styled with my coats!
All rights reserved Kraft Magazyn.

Online articles about fashion/ upcycling mentioning me and my work:
I-D. Vice, German issue online, May 2017, link:
Harel Blog, December 2019, link:
Fashion Biznes.PL, November 2016, link:
Design for Longevity, Danish Fashion Institute, link:
Monika Zieleniewska for, November 2016, link:
Alicja Michalska for Miasto Kobiet, September 2019, link: